User is not authorized to read Azure subscriptions. Permission elevation is required to proceed.
Getting this while trying to delete Azure Active Directory Tenants?
{"errorCode":"PermissionsElevationRequiredToReadSubscriptions","localizedErrorDetails":{"permissionsElevationRequiredToReadSubscriptions":"User is not authorized to read Azure subscriptions. Permission elevation is required to proceed."},"operationResults":null,"timeStampUtc":"2020-11-23T02:38:42.————-","clientRequestId":"—————","internalTransactionId":"——————–","tenantId":"——————–","userObjectId":"—————————","exceptionType":"UnauthorizedAccessException"}
Switch Directories to another one. Then from there, click on Overview of this Active Directory, then click on Switch Tenant. Delete the Tenant from here. Deleting a Tenant whilst selected won't work. Once you do this, refresh the pages. Your Tenant should now be gone.