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Archive for the 'Web' Category

DD-WRT: Configuring for Home with OSPF and Multiple VLAN’s.

Fast forward a few years, and after a few IoT device purchases, multiple VLAN setup with DD-WRT started to become more attractive.  More importantly, a friend asked about the same so I've set out to do just that: setup additional VLAN's for my own network via DD-WRT.  Why would I want to do this?  For […]

Page keeps redirecting from http://localhost to http://www.mysites.com with a permanent 301 redirect.

So while making a copy of my page for testing purposes, I try to run it from my LAMP configuration only to receive a redirect to my online page.  Tinkering with the .htaccess file did absolutely nothing in this case.  Page keeps redirecting from http://localhost/wordpress to http://www.microdevsys.com/WordPress with a line like this in the /var/log/httpd/access_log […]

The requested URL was not found on this server. : Web and HTTPD

So I'm in the process of making a copy of my blog to my Linux installation and LAMP configuration I have there.  The purpose of this exercise is to upgrade my blog to the latest available WordPress available, 3.4.2 at the time of this writing.  (I'm way overdue).  I want to test the upgrade before […]

Linux: e1000e kernel panic with Intel 82574L kernel panic and ASPM

So I bought myself an intel GigE card with the 82574L chip to deal with a certain problem I've been having with the RealTek one (cough).     So I wanted to try another chip other then RealTek ones to see if that would make a difference.  I suppose one could argue I should have done more […]

WordPress: 500 Internal Server Error

So I received this 500 internal Server Error when trying to save my long posts on my WordPress 2.6.2.  In my case I have 1and1.com hosting and at first impressions, the problem appeared to be with MySQL and the time it took to save a post.  On top of this, my host doesn't allow access […]

HTPC / Backup Home Server Solution using Linux

Overview: HTPC / Home Backup: MDADM, RAID6, LVM, XFS, CIFS and NFS In this post we'll take a look at setting up a 4TB storage, HTPC, and active backup using basic components that can be bought from the local PC store and freely available software.   Here I set out to try and consolidate my storage […]

WordPress: Dealing with Comment and User Registration Spam.

This is a fine one.  Anyone who uses WordPress may need to deal with this.  Unfortunately, despite using reCAPTCHA, Akismet still picks up tons of span on my blog.  So why am I getting spam comments when I have reCAPTCHA? The answer could surprise you.

WEB: Webhosting / ISP (Hosting, VoIP, DSL, Cable) Survival Guide

In the not so distant past, there has been an explosion of ISP's on the web which caused the only thing all of them could: dirt cheap hosting.  In fact, the web is virtually flooded with ISP's offering everything imaginable under the sun and space has literally become a door prize.   But what really separates […]

WordPress plugin FCKEditor 2.1 / 2.5.0 / 2.6.2

FCKEditor 2.1 / 2.5 2.6.2 Recently I found myself looking for an editor for posts more powerfull then the standard built in editor that comes with WordPress.  To that end I came up on FCKEditor (NOTE: No, it's not meant to be synonymous after the popular explative.) and so far it has been worth the […]

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