Winamp: No sound when playing MP3 files or other media.
When trying to play MP3 files in any version of WinAmp, there is no sound. The same file may play well in other players like Windows Media Player but not in WinAmp.
There may be any number of reasons for this. The most obvious points of check are that the volume is not set too low and that the sound isn't muted in WinAmp, the cable connections are in and plugged in tight. Other things that creep up over time are that the sound connector has just degraded to the point that it doesn't work and even possibly the sound card has become faulty itself. But the latter are less common.
The problem may also be with Hardware Acceleration. To test this, follow these steps to toggle the option to see if it causes the problem for you.
- Click on Options menu in WinAmp then Preferences…
- If you are using WaveOut Output plugin click Configure button then on Device tab uncheck Allow hardware acceleration
- Optionally change from WabeOut Output plugin to DirectSound Output plugin.
- Test!
Hope this helps.
My experience was that WinAmp starts with the volume slider at minimum, not using the system audio settings. I had to slide the audio volume up to an audible level. It works okay.