Patroni cluster not initializing
Not getting a cluster initialized when using patroni?
[root@psql06 patroni]# systemctl status patroni
? patroni.service – Runners to orchestrate a high-availability PostgreSQL
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/patroni.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-03-06 14:08:28 EST; 2min 13s ago
Main PID: 5857 (patroni)
CGroup: /system.slice/patroni.service
??5857 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/patroni /etc/patroni.yml
Mar 06 14:08:28 systemd[1]: Started Runners to orchestrate a high-availability PostgreSQL.
[root@psql06 patroni]#
Run this command to tell the system to recreate it (assuming it's new ) in the ETCD database. :
[root@psql06 patroni]# etcdctl rm /db/postgres/initialize /db/postgres/members/postgresql0 /db/postgres/members/postgresql1 /db/postgres/members/postgresql2
PrevNode.Value: 7072040681072184024
[root@psql06 patroni]#
Otherwise, take a backup and issue the above etcd command to reinitialize it in the etcd database. You should now see the cluster initialized:
[root@psql06 patroni]# ls -altri
total 128
69165434 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 20 Mar 1 23:20 ..
135599427 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 206 Mar 6 14:13 backup_label.old
201488665 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 6 Mar 6 14:13 pg_twophase
135599430 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 6 Mar 6 14:13 pg_subtrans
69297824 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 6 Mar 6 14:13 pg_snapshots
79235 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 6 Mar 6 14:13 pg_serial
135599429 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 6 Mar 6 14:13 pg_dynshmem
69297823 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 6 Mar 6 14:13 pg_commit_ts
79236 drwx——. 4 postgres postgres 34 Mar 6 14:13 pg_multixact
201488666 drwx——. 5 postgres postgres 38 Mar 6 14:13 base
201488669 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 17 Mar 6 14:13 pg_xact
490575 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 6 Mar 6 14:13 pg_tblspc
134330472 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 6 Mar 6 14:13 pg_stat_tmp
69062750 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 6 Mar 6 14:13 pg_stat
201488668 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 6 Mar 6 14:13 pg_replslot
134330475 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 88 Mar 6 14:13
134330474 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 3 Mar 6 14:13 PG_VERSION
490608 drwx——. 4 postgres postgres 65 Mar 6 14:13 pg_logical
134330476 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 4739 Mar 6 14:13 pg_hba.conf
134330477 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 1636 Mar 6 14:13 pg_ident.conf
134330481 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 23002 Mar 6 14:13 postgresql.base.conf
201488671 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 31 Mar 6 14:13 log
134983769 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 297 Mar 6 14:13 recovery.conf
134330482 -rw-r–r–. 1 postgres postgres 580 Mar 6 14:13 postgresql.conf
134983765 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 37 Mar 6 14:13 .s.PGSQL.5432.lock
134983771 srwxrwxrwx. 1 postgres postgres 0 Mar 6 14:13 .s.PGSQL.5432
201488664 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 17 Mar 6 14:13 pg_notify
134983772 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 435 Mar 6 14:13 postmaster.opts
134983766 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 30 Mar 6 14:13 current_logfiles
134983770 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 85 Mar 6 14:13
1165873 drwx——. 2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 6 14:13 global
134330478 -rw-r–r–. 1 postgres postgres 580 Mar 6 14:13 postgresql.conf.backup
134983767 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 23002 Mar 6 14:13 postgresql.base.conf.backup
134330479 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 4739 Mar 6 14:13 pg_hba.conf.backup
134330480 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 1636 Mar 6 14:13 pg_ident.conf.backup
134330484 -rw——-. 1 postgres postgres 124 Mar 6 14:13 patroni.dynamic.json
135582283 drwx——. 20 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 6 14:13 .
135599426 drwx——. 3 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 6 14:13 pg_wal
[root@psql06 patroni]#
And now you should see a healthy cluster:
[root@psql04 patroni]# patronictl –config-file=/etc/patroni.yml list
| Member | Host | Role | State | TL | Lag in MB |
+ Cluster: postgres (7072067282323834615) —+———+—-+———–+
| postgresql0 | | Replica | running | 1 | 0 |
| postgresql1 | | Leader | running | 1 | |
| postgresql2 | | Replica | running | 1 | 0 |
[root@psql04 patroni]#