Linux: The source of ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
You get this when trying to SSH to a host from some IP (Let's assume it's for the scope of this problem):
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
What to do?
It had to do with security and /etc/hosts.allow in my case. The steps are:
- vi /etc/hosts.allow (Or if you prefer nano /etc/hosts.allow OR pico /etc/hosts.allow)
- Add lines at the end such as:
# My Remote Host
sshd: 111.22.
- Above are examples of IP octets. We are using 111.22 if the remote IP is and CIDR is
- Save the file and exit (In VI use :wq! )
- Try again from the IP of the remote host (In the above case, )
Or at least that was the source of the issue for me. Hope it helps!
Good Luck!
I do have the same problem, but when I tried these steps, it didn’t worked for me. Am I somewhere wrong ?
thanks & regards
Hi Nicole,
When ‘it does not work’ does it print anything out like an error message?
You can also try:
ssh -vvvvvvvv
The more ‘v”s you have at the end of the -v the more debug messages ssh will print and tell you about what it is doing.
Let me know how it goes,