Asus Merlin Firmware: Wrong date shows set to Sat May 5 01:07:40 DST 2018
Do you end up with the wrong date when using Asus or Asus Merlin software?
admin@ASUS-MERLIN-INTERNET:/tmp/home/root# date
Sat May 5 01:07:40 DST 2018
Not yet clear what is really causing this but a temporary workaround is shown below using the Asus Merlin startup scripts:
admin@ASUS-MERLIN-INTERNET:/tmp/home/root# cat /jffs/scripts/init-start
NTP0=$(nvram show 2>/dev/null | awk -F'=' '/ntp_server0/{ print $2 }')
NTP1=$(nvram show 2>/dev/null | awk -F'=' '/ntp_server1/{ print $2 }')
PSV=$(ps|grep -Ei "ntpd_[s]ynced"|wc -l)
echo "Using the following NTP servers: NTP0 ($NTP0) and NTP1 ($NTP1). Number of running NTP servers right now is $PSV";
if [[ $NTP0 != “” && $NTP1 != “” && $PSV == 0 ]]; then
/usr/sbin/ntp -d -n -t -S /sbin/ntpd_synced -p $NTP0 -p $NTP1 &
if $? == 0; then
echo "SUCCESS: Started the NTPD server."
echo "FAILED to start the NTPD server. Non 0 exit code detected."
echo "ERROR: Either NTP0($NTP0) or NTP1($NTP1) was empty. Or NTPD was already started. No action taken.";
admin@ASUS-MERLIN-INTERNET:/tmp/home/root# ls -altri /jffs/scripts/init-start
9640 -rwxr-x— 1 admin root 716 Oct 17 18:50 /jffs/scripts/init-start
It uses the nvram variables to retireve your configured NTP servers.
Hope this helps!