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Archive for January, 2009

Apache: Configuring mod_security (modsecurity) for Apache on Fedora.

INTRODUCTION Most people today know or have some idea what a firewall is.  For those not too familiar with it, it's essentially a piece of software or hardware that sits between your computer and the internet (outside world) helping to prevent unauthorized access to your computer / workstation.  The firewall does this by blocking certain […]

Linux: Enable extended httpd status reports in Apache through service: fullstatus

Apache HTTPD is the most popular web server to date.  It's extensible and configurable to meet various needs both small and big.  Here we'll focus on extending it's reporting functionality by enabling full status capability to see more granularity in status reports.  As you probably know, the service on Red Hat Linux systems can be […]

Web and Networking: Securing the Apache HTTPD (port 80) configuration from malicious scans.

It's still a surprise to most just how much scanning and probing by either hackers or malicious software is going on on the web when they do find out.  I mean, do you really know how many times your workstation or home network get's hit by attempted intrusions and invasions?  I was never able to find […]

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